Home Photography Ideas for Small E-Commerce Business

 You may have an e-commerce business that is not as large as your competitors but doesn’t let this deter you from being creative with your product photography. There are plenty of ways to do the same high-quality work that anyone can afford. Many people like to hire professional photographers to take pictures of the products they are selling, but if you are a small business owner, you know that this can be expensive. The following are home photography ideas for small e-commerce businesses.

1.  Make Your Picture Boxes

The picture boxes you place your products in can make a difference. Whether photographing a necklace or a set of earrings, the picture box can help draw attention to the product. Try creating your boxes out of magazine cutouts or fabric. You can attach these to a plain background for an exciting effect or take some photos without the box for comparison. This can help show off how well your product photographs without one.

2.  Use Your Home as a Studio

A home photography studio can be made using a white backdrop, such as an easel or canvas. Hang a sheet over the wall to bounce light onto your product. You can get professional results by taking multiple pictures of the same product with different lighting and backgrounds for comparison. Use natural lighting in your home or create your studio lights with lamps or overhead lights you already have. This can produce beautiful images that are just as good as those taken professionally.

3.  Take Pictures at Different Times of the Day

Sometimes you get great product photos from the natural lighting of a sunny day, and other times you get better results from taking pictures at the end of the day. Experiment with different times of day to capture different kinds of light. This can create more variety on your blog, showing off your products differently. Many people may not realize that your jewelry has a different appearance depending on the time of day, so try showing them how it looks throughout the day.

4.  Use Your Smartphone for Product Photography

Many people like to take photos with their smartphones and upload them to social media. If you are selling a product, investigate how well it stands out in your photo. You can do this by using a flash or the backlight on your phone to highlight certain features of your product. You can also use filters and lighting apps on your phone if they are available, or you can limit yourself to taking pictures in natural lighting.

5.  Use Virtual Sets

If you want more control over your photos, you may want to consider virtual sets. These are just set-ups that mimic real-life scenarios. You can create a set in your home using a backdrop, props, and lighting options that would be natural in the environment of your product. This can be used to create different angles of your product so you can show them from multiple perspectives. A small e-commerce business could benefit from this because you can show off all of your products in unique ways.

6.  Take Product Photos on Your Own

One of the best home photography ideas for a small e-commerce business is to take your photos. Do this with the product in different settings and situations to show off its versatility. This can be a fun way to show off your product if it can look good in a variety of locations. You could also try taking pictures of the product in the wild if it is something that would fit in with nature. The result can be something that stands out among your competitors’ photos.

7.  Create Your Series

Another way to show off your products is with a series. This can be done by taking photos of all of your products in similar lighting and setting. You can group the products in a row or line referencing one theme. By doing this, you will have more variety on your blog, and you can use the same images to give people an idea of the entire product line.

8.  Photo retouching

You don’t always have to take your product out in the world. Ecommerce Retouching is the easiest way to update great images. You can take an image of one of your products in a setting and use Photo Retouching Services to produce a photo that looks like it was taken in the wild.


The easiest way to launch a successful e-commerce business is to get professional-looking photos. You can achieve this without taking pictures or spending a lot of money. Product Photo Retouching Services are the easiest way. They can enhance the images to make them look better and do it quickly. A small e-commerce business can work with these methods and still come on top.

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By digi5studios

Digi5 Studios is one of the Best Photo retouching service provider company and offering high-quality photo editing for bulk eCommerce product photos, automotive photos, Fashion and beauty images etc.